How to Avoid Being Offended and Handle Criticism with Detri McGhee-Ep 40

On today’s episode, we are joined by Detri McGhee. Detri McGhee is retired from a 30+ year career in financial services and corporate training, She has also authored the booklet ACTIVE PRAYER: Praying God Hears and has a chapter in the published anthology, SPEAKING OF ASUCCESS where she shared chapters on business success with such well-known authors as Jack Canfield, Ken Blanchard, and Stephen R. Covey. She is currently Executive Director of Reaching for Life, Inc, a non-profit corporation currently focused on promoting reading, writing and publication among 2nd and 3rd graders in SE Arkansas. She has just come out of retirement to revive her EI (Emotional Intelligence) training seminars and consulting business centered on CRITICISM MANAGEMENT: This C-A-T Tames That Dragon. She maintains that there can be benefits in any and all criticism once we learn the proper techniques of using Emotional Intelligence to deal wisely with it.

In this episode, we discuss:

-How to not be offended by everything

-How to handle criticism

-Emotional intelligence 

-And so much more!


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How to connect with Detri:

Facebook: Criticism Management by Detri

LinkedIn: Detri McGhee



How to connect with Matt: 

Instagram: @mattfindora

LinkedIn: Matt Findora




Author of the music: [email protected]