Get Over Yourself with Brandon Davis-Ep 24

On today’s episode we are joined by Brandon Davis. Brandon Davis knew he wanted to be an entrepreneur from a young age when he sat watching ABC's Shark Tank on the TV. He was fascinated with the idea of starting his own business to help people improve their lives in all capacities. Although Brandon is still young, he has successfully grown 3 different businesses - Hoover Davis Landscaping, U County Christmas Lights, & Get Over Yourself LLC. Brandon is now working full time on his tech startup, Interval. Along his journey of entrepreneurship, Brandon recognized that so many individuals around him were letting their own self-limitations and fear of the unknown stop them from chasing their dreams and diving in head first. Since seeing this pattern, Brandon has made it his mission to build up those around him and help them learn how to "Get Over Themselves." That's the message he spreads today.

In this episode we discuss:

-The power of Shark Tank


-The meaning of Get Over Yourself 

-Lessons learned

-And so much more


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How to connect with Brandon: 

All links Here


How to connect with Matt: 

Instagram: mattfindora 

LinkedIn: Matt Findora 




Author of the music: [email protected]