Getting a Proper D.O.S.E. For Your Brain with Dr. Krissy Doyle-Thomas-Ep 20

On today’s episode, we are joined by Dr. Krissy Doyle-Thomas. Dr. Krissy is a Medical Neuroscientist and Professor in Ontario, Canada. She is a widely published expert in medical conditions that affect the brain and mental health. She is passionate about helping people maximize their potential as it relates to understanding how the brain works. She is committed to translating scientific research into terms and practices that can help communities live healthy, mindful lives. 

Dr. Krissy is a distinguished educator and mental health consultant who co-developed and teaches in Ontario's inaugural graduate certificate programs in Brain Disorders Management and Mental Health & Disability Management. Her research program focuses on well-being and empowerment within the Black Canadian community, particularly in the realm of mental health. Known for her ability to convey complex concepts to diverse audiences, Dr. Krissy is a sought-after mental health consultant, frequently presenting at various organizations and community agencies. Her notable recognitions, including features in the "100 Accomplished Black Canadian Women" book (4th edition) and CBC News' "HERStory In Black" documentary, underscore her commitment to advancing health education within the community. Her influence extends beyond academia, emphasizing community engagement and empowerment in the realm of mental health.

In the episode we discuss:

-Mental Health

-Brain Chemicals

-How to use the these brain chemicals to our advantage


-And so much more.

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How to connect with Dr. Krissy:



How to connect with Matt: 

Instagram: mattfindora 

LinkedIn: Matt Findora 




Author of the music: [email protected]